
Brand Redesign

To elevate the ForeverLawn brand, a comprehensive rebrand was evident. Through two years of studies, these logos, typographic treatments, typeface, and color palettes, were decided upon and backed by testing and user data in the print, social, and digital spaces to ensure the brand’s needs were met.

There was a dated look and feel to the overall brand, that was negatively impacting equity. The following branding solution answers years of dated feeling and looking media and collateral.

An imperative part of the process was ensuring that the 5 vertical markets, or sub-brands, were treated the same in terms of style. This was a direct request to create harmony between all brands and reinforce the visual language created throughout.


Physical Advertisement

By combining a digital and physical advertising approach, the brand was able to effectively tap into a more diverse market. Thanks in part to having a vast dealer network around the United States, the possibilities for a physical ad presence are great. 



As ForeverLawn’s main advertising venture, it was important to include Nascar considerations in the rebrand. All rebrand efforts were meticulous about their inclusion of Nascar ease of use, down to sizing of elements and the ease of recreation of colors.


Selected Works